mission trip

The Tongue is a Fire

“So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell…but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.” ~ James 3:5-6, 8-10 ESV

The tongue is a fire!

If we desire to be more intimate with the Lord and surrender our hearts to him, then we have to surrender everything to Him. This includes our tongue and our words. I don’t usually think about surrendering my words and tongue to God.  But it’s so important!

“Three things come not back. The spent (shot) arrow, the spoken word and the lost opportunity.”

As soon as our (my) words are out there we (I) can’t get them back again.

There is an old Puritan story of a woman who went to her pastor and he confessed that she was guilty of slander and gossip. She told the pastor that she wanted to turn from all that and be done with it, and she wanted the pastor to help in doing so. So he said to her to take chicken feathers and lay them on the doorstep of all the houses in the community.

In which she had done that she was to come back and ask him what else she needed to do. He told her to go back the next morning and gather up all the feathers and bring them back to him. She explained to him that she could not do that because the wind had blown the feathers everywhere. The pastor said exactly you might be able to turn from their sin and be forgiven but the wind has blown your words everywhere.

In which she had done that she was to come back and ask him what else she needed to do. He told her to go back the next morning and gather up all the feathers and bring them back to him. She explained to him that she could not do that because the wind had blown the feathers everywhere. The pastor said exactly you might be able to turn from their sin and be forgiven but the wind has blown your words everywhere.

I’m asking the Lord to give me a heart that desires to speak words that will ultimately glorify Him and to do good and not do harm. Have my heart Lord and my tongue.

Guest Post by Kris Allison

~  Inspired by an Alistair Bigg sermon where Kris was challenged to think biblically about the power of the tongue.

True Repentance

“Many also of those who had believed kept coming, confessing and disclosing their practices.  And many of those who practiced magic brought their books together and began burning them in sight of everyone.”  ~ Acts 19:18-19 NASB

In this story in the book of Acts, we find a picture of true repentance.  These new believers fully turned to the Lord and away from the practices that previously held them in bondage.  They burned them so that they could not return to them.  They also did it in the sight of other believers for accountability and because of the joy of experiencing the true God over counterfeit sin.  They did this to completely cut ties with their former self and its practices.

How often I treat repentance as a partial turning.  I don’t take the necessary steps to cut ties with that sin.  Yes, I confess and turn for a time, but I still leave wiggle room so that I can come back and dabble in it again.  And I don’t share about it with others, but choose to deal with it on my terms and in privacy.  I do this partially because I feel as if I will be judged by those who are even close to me and partially because I want to be able to return to the sin in times of stress and coping.

In this scripture I see some principles, that if followed, would bring about much freedom in my life and in the lives of those who trust in Jesus.  First and foremost, sin and the enemy operate most effectively in darkness and secrecy.  By confessing to those who you trust and who love Jesus, you disarm the enemy.  He can no longer stand as your accuser bringing doubt and condemnation.  He loses his power!

Secondly, burn the pathways that can lead you back to participating in that sin that has so easily entangled you.  For these new believers, they created boundaries for re-entering into their lifestyles of sin by burning the very books that they would use in the practice of magic.  Creating boundaries in your life by burning sin bridges is not legalism.  It’s a healthy step that allows the Lord’s Spirit to bring the refining work of sanctification over your life.  

What do you need to bring into the light?  Who’s a safe believer that you can confess with to disarm the enemy in this area of your life?  What are your magic books and what would it look like to burn them?  These are all questions that I’m asking myself this morning.  Maybe you could do the same? 

The Purpose of Grief

The world looks different these days. It has changed how we handle, process, and grieve so many life events. For me, the new slowness of life around me has brought more attention and space for me to process grief. I am not a feeler. I tend to run towards anything that is happy and avoid the sad. But the stillness around me has left me with not much to do outside of process. 

Yesterday, 2 dear humans that were a part of my life left this world. One a family member and the other a woman who played a large part in my first 10 years in South Carolina. I felt the sad, and instinctively thought of how to get out of it. But, due to the current circumstances, there isn't much to run to.

So I sat in it and I wept. and I asked the Lord why death has to hurt so deeply. Why a season already causing confusion and a loss of control now had a grief and heaviness as well.

And in the sitting and the weeping and the hurting, I felt the sweetness of a Savior. The assurance of a Jesus who sits in the nights weeping and rejoices in the glory of the morning with us.

And I realized, maybe, just maybe, this is what grief is for. To remind us it is okay to be a human. To cry. To feel deeply. And to bring us back to the Savior, who is always near, even in seasons of confusion and heartache.

Guest Post by: Kam Kelley

That They Would Seek God


“Having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their self habitation, that they would seek God.” ~ Acts 17:26-27

As I read this scripture this past week, I was reminded about the poem of the dash on a person’s tombstone. In it, the author writes “for it matters not how much we own, the cars, the house, the cash. What matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash.”

Listen to what Paul says in Acts 17 when proclaiming Christ to those in Athens. The Lord has already appointed our time here on earth and it’s just a small blip in the history of mankind. He’s even determined the boundaries of our existence. He knew before the foundation of the world when we would physically exist. He knew where we would grow up. He knew that you would be born in America, or Africa or Asia, etc.

This has huge implications, because it speaks of purpose. He could have chosen not to create me. He could have had me grow up in Europe in 400 A.D. or in the middle of the bush in Africa in the 1500s. But he didn’t, because he had purpose for me here and now. And his purpose wasn’t that I would be great or that I would make a name for myself. It wasn’t so that I would make significant contributions to this world, though I may. It was much simpler than that. His sole purpose was that I would seek Him, that I would know him and encourage others to do the same.

I think we get caught up in pursuing our own little dash, that we miss out on the fact that it’s not our dash in the first place. It’s His. It’s all about Him. Would that perspective forever define my dash? Would my dash be sold out to completely seeking Him?

~ Brent Roberts
Africa Freedom Mission

A Toast to the Stoudemayer's

Trey and Jacey.png

A year ago tomorrow, these two, Trey Stoudemayer and Jacey Voris met in my home. They came for the weekend to be a part of training for summer leadership in Africa. Trey, a gregarious storyteller who could captivate an audience anywhere, and Jacey, a quiet and discerning young woman who just leads by example, were sure to be a match made in heaven, I just didn’t know it yet.

That weekend, Jacey was already committed to serving with us, but Trey was trying to decide on whether or not to go to Africa for the summer. As the weekend progressed, the call intensified, but he still had some tough decisions to make and needed some doors to open if if it were going to happen. As we prepared to head our separate ways, someone offered up a suggestion. Jacey told Trey that she felt the Lord leading her to fast for him and pray that God would open those doors. Long story short, He did! After a week of prayer and some conversations with his employer, Trey was given the green light to spend the summer in Kenya.

When the summer hit, and teams started arriving, I remember receiving daily calls from Trey. He would call me for advice on how to handle certain situations, ask questions about their itinerary or finances and sometimes just call to talk and catch up. Well, about halfway through the summer, our daily conversations took a turn. Trey informed me of his affections for one of the other leaders (you guessed it, Jacey!). He told me that they had not pursued anything, because they didn’t want it to distract from teams. He also told me that the feelings were mutual.

As the summer ended, so did the restrictions for pursuing a relationship. All this time, they knew that they were interested in each other, but they intentionally waited to make it official until after teams had wrapped up their summer. In that time of separation though, they formed a relationship that would turn out to be lifelong. At the end of the summer, Trey told me that they were coming home with intentions of getting engaged and eventually married.

Their first date occurred in Africa. Not many American couples can make that claim. They waited for the teams to leave and during the final few days went on a date in Nairobi. I still remember the giddiness in Trey’s voice when he called and told me about it. And after they left Kenya, Trey followed through with his word. He came home, bought a ring and proposed to that girl (just not in America)!


In September, a small group of our leaders traveled to Zimbabwe to pray and plan for Africa Freedom Mission. Jacey wanted to get engaged in a place that she loved and her love for Africa started in Zimbabwe. So, during our trip, Trey pulled her aside and asked her to be his wife.

I cannot express to you just how happy I am for this couple. I truly believe that they have all they need to be successful in marriage. They have a genuine love for Jesus, each other and come from families that have modeled Christ-centered marriages their whole lives. They are committed and disciplined. They’re not perfect, but they have a genuine desire to follow the Lord in everything. I remember a call I received recently from Trey. He said, we’ve started giving each other side hugs now because we are afraid of what any more physical contact might lead too. This is not normal for young adults these days, but it is for these two and because of it, they’ve been able save themselves for marriage, a pretty rare feat these days.

Tomorrow marks exactly one year, to the day, since this young couple met in my living room. And tomorrow marks the beginning of their lives together as Mr and Mrs Stoudemayer. So, in honor of you guys, I would like to raise a toast! To Trey and Jacey, may your lives be filled with laughter, joy, hope and love as you pursue a life with Jesus and each other. May you make such an impact for eternity by your union together that it shakes the nations. I love you both and am proud of who the Lord is maturing you to be. Many many blessings in this new season.

Brent Roberts
President & CEO
Africa Freedom Mission

Surrendering All


“All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In His presence daily live”
~ I Surrender All (J.W. Van Deventer )

Growing up, I sang the lyrics to this well known hymn many times but never really stopped to think about what I was singing. Take a minute and listen to some of these words:

All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I Truly Give
As I thought about this statement, I was forced to ask: Do I freely giving Him all that I have? In Matthew 16:24 Jesus tells His disciples that “if anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”. To follow Him, I need to let Him rule my life and not try to rule it myself. If I’m honest, there are parts of me that are easy to give and others that are more difficult. He doesn’t ask for some, but all. Oh how I wish to sing this song in full sincerity.

I Will Ever Love and Trust Him, in His Presence Daily Live
Do I ever love and trust Him? When the rubber meets the road and the trials and temptations of this world come my way, do I really trust him? In the good times and in the bad times do I seek His presence? These are just questions that I’ve asked myself.

These verses and questions led me to think about David, “a man after God’s own heart.” If you ever want to see an amazing example of authentic love for the Lord, read Psalm 63. In this Psalm David is proclaiming his unshaken love for our God, his desire for God’s presence and his willingness to surrender all for the gift of relationship with the Father. May that be my own desire!

Though I’m not yet near where I want to be, I have seen growth in these areas over the last few years. Many people think that in order to grow in our intimacy with the Lord we must strive harder, but it’s quite the opposite. Instead of striving, we’re called to surrender - surrender our desires, our wills, our wants and perceived needs, our heart, our decisions, our dreams, everything. And as we surrender and empty ourselves he begins to fill us. He fills us with his heart, his dreams, his will, his character, his presence, his Spirit! Surrender doesn’t come easy, though, but it is necessary to become fully satisfied in Him.

Africa Freedom Mission
As I thought about these lyrics and their implications for a life of surrender, I was taken back to an event that happened in my life this past fall. I was on Instagram one evening and stumbled across an ad for a ministry called Africa Freedom Missions (@AfricaFreedomMission). When I saw it, my heart jumped out of my chest because Africa has such a special place in my heart. After learning more about their organization and its leadership, I quickly submitted an application for the trip.

AFM sends teams on 2-week, 4-week and summer long missions to four different countries in Africa. Because of previous experience serving on teams in South Africa (twice in the last three years), I knew that 2 weeks was just not enough. So, I applied to serve for a month in Zambia along with my amazing girlfriend Hallie.

If I’m honest, when I applied, I hadn’t taken time to fully discern the Lord’s leading. I always want to be someone who submits my plans and desires to Him and the respond in obedience to His leading. So I slowed things down for a week. During that week, Hallie and I committed to pray for discernment and for one another with respect to serving on this team in Zambia. There were also things that I hadn’t considered that would be impacted by such a decision (lack of summer income to pay for my final year of school). So, I wanted to make sure it was Him leading and not just my desires to return to a place that I’ve grown to love.

This devoted week brought me back to those truths in Matthew and Psalms about completely surrendering my all to Him. Going to Him in prayer not only helped solidify my desire and acceptance to serve in Zambia this summer but allowed me to continually let Him take the lead. Seeing the Lord provide opportunities like this has really strengthened the relationship I have with Him. It has allowed me to witness His active hand in my life. And it has helped me rest in the fact that His plans are far better than mine. 

I’m continuing to learn what it means to surrender and give Him with everything. But if I am going to be His hands and feet on this Earth, I can’t take this task for granted! Would you join me in this High calling of surrender?


Malik Peterson is a junior at Grace College studying nursing. He will be serving in Zambia with AFM for the month of June.

Worthy of It All

There is a generation of young people rising up that is completely in love and satisfied in Christ. Our desire is Him and His glory alone. There were 65,000 people from ages 18-25 in a stadium, seeking an encounter with the King of Kings. We are roaring the name of Jesus into 2020.

We are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! By the year 2033, every tribe, tongue and nation will have the powerful word of God and the good news of the Gospel written in their specific language. Jesus Himself speaks of this hour. “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)

WAKE UP CHURCH! WE ARE LIVING IN SUCH A TIME AS THIS! “God declares, that ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17) No one knows the hour of the coming of Jesus but he definitely gives us some good hints! He brings beauty for our ashes and uses us for His glory (Isaiah 61). He allows us to be empowered by His Holy Spirit to carry out His purposes. Are we willing to live our lives on our knees, fully surrendered to the Lord for His Glory to be shown throughout the world? It’s time to surrender everything for Him because Heaven bent to save us.

We will be persecuted, but He is worthy.

We will face trials, but He is worthy.

It will not be easy, but He is worthy.

He is worthy of it all!


Post provided by Gabe Cruz, leader for Zimbabwe Summer 2020 with AFM

A Local's Perspective

Showing a smile, hugs, words of affirmation, giving attention to the usually ignored people are things which are always within our reach in our everyday life, yet we daily take them for granted.

Every year as I have served with mission teams, I have seen them manifesting the fruit of the spirit usually in the form of caring deeds both among each other and so much more to the locals here. 

On one occasion we spent the whole day listening to one couple's problems and praying with them.  On other days, we spent time playing with and investing in the lives of children in my community. On some evenings after worship we would minister to each other as we shared about our group and personal encounters that we had during ministry.  We would then pray for each other. In fact, I would always look forward to these times because of how I saw the Lord use them to change so many of the team members lives, including my own.

I’ve seen time and time again; these teams come and actively show God’s love for my friends and neighbors here in Zambia.  It’s a simple ministry but yet, so profound.  And as I have observed them, year after year, God has used their example to teach me this truth – “I have all that I need to show the light that is within me.”

Living in an environment like Zambia. where you are surrounded by many who have an un-ending list of needs, you are tempted to feel that you always need to provide things in order to show the love of Christ.  But these teams have shown me something different.  As they have come here, stepped out of their comfort zones and served, they’ve done it mostly by just being present, listening to the stories of my friends and countrymen and then stopping long enough to pray for and encourage them.  I’ve seen them stop what they’re doing, put their own agendas aside and just play games with children who are starving for attention and the love of the Father.  I’ve seen them go into homes where oppression and fear exist and proclaim the love of the Lord over broken situations.  They’ve taught me through their actions that there are many ways in which we can be the hands and feet of Jesus and that we are fully equipped to do so if we only surrender all that we have to Him.

So, as we prepare for another year and another season of ministry.  I’m excited.  I’m excited for the new friendships that I will be able to form with visiting teams.  I’m excited to see how the Lord will work through this new crop of young missionaries and I’m excited to see the fruit that comes from our time serving together in Zambia!


About the Author: Laban Mwelwa is a dear friend to many who have served on a mission trip to Zambia. He is an associate pastor at Lusaka South and works part-time with Awana Zambia. The article above is his perspective of working with visiting teams.


In this season of my life, God is teaching me what it means to completely surrender everything to Him. And it’s a process that’s been VERY, VERY difficult!!!

In Matthew 14:29, Jesus calls out to Peter sitting in the boat and asks him to simply come, to walk on the waters towards Jesus. Listen to it in context. “Then Peter got down from the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus. but when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord save me!’ immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. ‘you of little faith, why did you doubt?’”

At first glance this may seem insane. Who in their right mind would tell another human being to leave what seemed to be the safest place in the storm to step out into the water. To WALK ON WATER!?! BUT that’s exactly what Jesus did and it was genuinely one of the most beautiful and meaningful miracles Jesus ever displayed.

Throughout our lives we are faced with many storms. Wether that be problems within our family, issues with our health, loss of family or friends, struggle with mental health, etc., our storms can be big or small. But we have a picture of how we can weather these storms through the example of Peter. With his eyes fixed on Jesus, in the midst of a terrible storm, he surrendered everything and trusted fully in Christ. He didn’t take time to reason with his circumstances, but simply listened and followed.

Peter’s initial focus is what the Lord is calling all of us to.  Jesus desires that we would single-mindedly and wholeheartedly focused on Him. This doesn’t come with doing more good for Jesus, but by laying down more for Him. It doesn’t come with service, but with surrender!

When we are able to live in surrender to the Lord, laying everything at his feet (our desires, our aspirations, our shortcomings, etc.) and when we trust in His plans, His faithfulness and His promises to work everything out for our good, our focus shifts from our problems to Jesus! The problems fade away and the glory of His presence calms the storm.

Yes, we will fail at times. And there might be times when we stray away from Christ, and begin to drown within the gritty chaos of life. But we have a promise that is evident in this Scripture: all we have to do is call upon His name and just as He responded to Peter, he will respond to you and me. With an outstretched arm and with no hesitation, He will take our hand and saves us. Not because we deserve it, but He does so freely because His love is enduring and never ending. He is a God of abundant grace and mercy!

We MUST stop letting ourselves be consumed in our struggles because, they are just momentary afflictions. They are wind and waves. Though they look threatening, they are just opportunities for us to learn to trust Him more. No doubt, they seem difficult and overwhelming at times, but minute in comparison to the loving outstretched arm of the Creator of the Universe.

So, surrender everything to Him. Lay everything at His feet. Yield completely to your creator and allow Him to use you in any and every way. And after you’ve laid it all at His feet, look up. Take His hand and follow Him. Your life will never be the same!

Recently, surrender for me was applying to serve in Zambia with Africa Freedom Mission. I could have looked at the obstacles that stood in my way, been discouraged and went back to the boat. But I’ve chosen to sacrifice my plans and my way and run after Jesus. I don’t know what Zambia has to offer, but I do know that iff I’m in His arms, I’m safer than being in some rickety boat. It’s INSANE how God works in our lives when we choose to surrender to Him completely.

I guess you could say that surrender brings so much goodness!!! It provides opportunities like this! I’m going to Africa people!!! And I get to go with a company like this, Africa Freedom Mission! HE.IS.GOOD.


Morgan Hendrix is 16 years old and is from Loganville, Georgia. This trip with AFM will be the first time she’s ever traveled outside of the US. If you would be interested in partnering with Morgan financially, you can do so at the following link: MORGAN

His Presence is Our Home


There’s revival in the secret place. There’s a daily invitation that comes with a house key awaiting our response each morning. The presence of the Lord is home, we can turn the key knowing we are unlocking a love that takes us as we are and doesn’t leave us the same. The rotation of the key marks an exchange- beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, praise for heaviness, peace for anxiety. The exchange takes the frailty of our humanity and overflows the strength of His Holy Spirit into every fiber of our being. As His children, we are called into the secret place, where The Father’s arms are open awaiting our embrace- there’s a fire in his eyes that glances upon us with the utmost love and compassion. Every turn of the house key symbolizes the sweet surrender and submission to whatever the Lord may seek to reveal in the stillness of that moment. 

The more we abide in the Father’s heart, the more our hearts cry out for more of all that He is, the more our hearts break for what breaks his. The more we entangle ourselves with the Father, the more we mimic his ways and embody His character- my prayer is that this will always be known as our utmost honor and the greatest pursuit our lives will ever know. The Father uses intimacy to equip us- intimacy propels us into action. As sons and daughters, we must relentlessly seek to embody Christ so much so that the enemy trembles at our every waking day, the very steps we take the second we rise up should cause the enemy to tremble. As we dwell in His presence, hallelujahs become like arrows pointing in preparation for what’s to come. This starts by the simple acceptance to the invitation, our hands turning the key for the Father’s heart. 


“My heart will not be afraid even if an army rises to attack.

I know that you are there for me, so I will not be shaken. Here’s the one thing I crave from God,the one thing I seek above all else:

I want the privilege of living with him every moment in his house, finding the sweet loveliness of his face, filled with awe, delighting in his glory and grace. I want to live my life so close to him that he takes pleasure in my every prayer. In his shelter in the day of trouble, that’s where you’ll find me, for he hides me there in his holiness. He has smuggled me into his secret place,where I’m kept safe and secure—out of reach from all my enemies. Triumphant now, I’ll bring him my offerings of praise, singing and shouting with ecstatic joy! Yes, listen and you can hear the fanfare of my shouts of praise to the Lord! God, hear my cry. Show me your grace. Show me mercy, and send the help I need! Lord, when you said to me, “Seek my face,”my inner being responded,“I’m seeking your face with all my heart.”” Psalm 27: 3-8 TPT.

~Kristen Kinley


Kristen Kinley is a junior at App State studying early childhood development family and children studies with a minor in nonprofit management. She is involved in New Life Ministry at Harvest House and is also participating in AFM’s summer leadership program in Zimbabwe. If you would like to help her in her fundraising, you can do so at this link: KRISTEN KINLEY.

The Quiet Place

“18 Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, 19 and after taking some food, he regained his strength.  Saul spent several days with the disciples in Damascus. 20 At once he began to preach in the synagogues that Jesus is the Son of God. 21 All those who heard him were astonished and asked, “Isn’t he the man who raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name? And hasn’t he come here to take them as prisoners to the chief priests?” 22 Yet Saul grew more and more powerful and baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Messiah.”  ~Acts 9:18-22

The context of this scripture is the conversion of Saul (Paul).  Paul was a Hebrew of Hebrews; in regard to the law, a Pharisee (Philippians 3:5).  He knew the scriptures, but, now, for the first time in his life, they were made alive.  He was seeing them from a completely different perspective.  Before conversion, he thought that in the Scriptures he had eternal life (John 5:39).  But now, he realized that the Scriptures were testifying to Christ and that in Christ, he had eternal life.

The light had come on, he was now alive proclaiming it.  But he also had to grow in his newfound knowing of Jesus.  Notice the scripture didn’t say that he was growing more and more in knowledge, but in power.  It’s also translated strength.  He was becoming more and more powerful or strong in his faith.  I imagine that this verse speaks both to ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit and to growing in strength of relationship with Christ.  It’s the latter I would like to focus on.  He was growing in strength.  Paul had the scriptures all along, but now he had the Christ in the scriptures.

 As Paul spent more time with Jesus, he was strengthened for the work to which he was called.  We cannot neglect time with our Savior – time spent basking in His presence, listening to His Holy Spirit, studying His Scriptures with the intent of knowing Him better, worshiping Him through song for who He is and what He has done, and laughing, crying and just talking with him as you process all this life has to throw at you.  For it is this time spent with Him, when no one else is watching, that strengthens us for the work to which he has called us, mainly confounding the world with the knowledge and beauty of Christ.