
The Tongue is a Fire

“So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell…but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.” ~ James 3:5-6, 8-10 ESV

The tongue is a fire!

If we desire to be more intimate with the Lord and surrender our hearts to him, then we have to surrender everything to Him. This includes our tongue and our words. I don’t usually think about surrendering my words and tongue to God.  But it’s so important!

“Three things come not back. The spent (shot) arrow, the spoken word and the lost opportunity.”

As soon as our (my) words are out there we (I) can’t get them back again.

There is an old Puritan story of a woman who went to her pastor and he confessed that she was guilty of slander and gossip. She told the pastor that she wanted to turn from all that and be done with it, and she wanted the pastor to help in doing so. So he said to her to take chicken feathers and lay them on the doorstep of all the houses in the community.

In which she had done that she was to come back and ask him what else she needed to do. He told her to go back the next morning and gather up all the feathers and bring them back to him. She explained to him that she could not do that because the wind had blown the feathers everywhere. The pastor said exactly you might be able to turn from their sin and be forgiven but the wind has blown your words everywhere.

In which she had done that she was to come back and ask him what else she needed to do. He told her to go back the next morning and gather up all the feathers and bring them back to him. She explained to him that she could not do that because the wind had blown the feathers everywhere. The pastor said exactly you might be able to turn from their sin and be forgiven but the wind has blown your words everywhere.

I’m asking the Lord to give me a heart that desires to speak words that will ultimately glorify Him and to do good and not do harm. Have my heart Lord and my tongue.

Guest Post by Kris Allison

~  Inspired by an Alistair Bigg sermon where Kris was challenged to think biblically about the power of the tongue.

True Repentance

“Many also of those who had believed kept coming, confessing and disclosing their practices.  And many of those who practiced magic brought their books together and began burning them in sight of everyone.”  ~ Acts 19:18-19 NASB

In this story in the book of Acts, we find a picture of true repentance.  These new believers fully turned to the Lord and away from the practices that previously held them in bondage.  They burned them so that they could not return to them.  They also did it in the sight of other believers for accountability and because of the joy of experiencing the true God over counterfeit sin.  They did this to completely cut ties with their former self and its practices.

How often I treat repentance as a partial turning.  I don’t take the necessary steps to cut ties with that sin.  Yes, I confess and turn for a time, but I still leave wiggle room so that I can come back and dabble in it again.  And I don’t share about it with others, but choose to deal with it on my terms and in privacy.  I do this partially because I feel as if I will be judged by those who are even close to me and partially because I want to be able to return to the sin in times of stress and coping.

In this scripture I see some principles, that if followed, would bring about much freedom in my life and in the lives of those who trust in Jesus.  First and foremost, sin and the enemy operate most effectively in darkness and secrecy.  By confessing to those who you trust and who love Jesus, you disarm the enemy.  He can no longer stand as your accuser bringing doubt and condemnation.  He loses his power!

Secondly, burn the pathways that can lead you back to participating in that sin that has so easily entangled you.  For these new believers, they created boundaries for re-entering into their lifestyles of sin by burning the very books that they would use in the practice of magic.  Creating boundaries in your life by burning sin bridges is not legalism.  It’s a healthy step that allows the Lord’s Spirit to bring the refining work of sanctification over your life.  

What do you need to bring into the light?  Who’s a safe believer that you can confess with to disarm the enemy in this area of your life?  What are your magic books and what would it look like to burn them?  These are all questions that I’m asking myself this morning.  Maybe you could do the same? 

A Local's Perspective

Showing a smile, hugs, words of affirmation, giving attention to the usually ignored people are things which are always within our reach in our everyday life, yet we daily take them for granted.

Every year as I have served with mission teams, I have seen them manifesting the fruit of the spirit usually in the form of caring deeds both among each other and so much more to the locals here. 

On one occasion we spent the whole day listening to one couple's problems and praying with them.  On other days, we spent time playing with and investing in the lives of children in my community. On some evenings after worship we would minister to each other as we shared about our group and personal encounters that we had during ministry.  We would then pray for each other. In fact, I would always look forward to these times because of how I saw the Lord use them to change so many of the team members lives, including my own.

I’ve seen time and time again; these teams come and actively show God’s love for my friends and neighbors here in Zambia.  It’s a simple ministry but yet, so profound.  And as I have observed them, year after year, God has used their example to teach me this truth – “I have all that I need to show the light that is within me.”

Living in an environment like Zambia. where you are surrounded by many who have an un-ending list of needs, you are tempted to feel that you always need to provide things in order to show the love of Christ.  But these teams have shown me something different.  As they have come here, stepped out of their comfort zones and served, they’ve done it mostly by just being present, listening to the stories of my friends and countrymen and then stopping long enough to pray for and encourage them.  I’ve seen them stop what they’re doing, put their own agendas aside and just play games with children who are starving for attention and the love of the Father.  I’ve seen them go into homes where oppression and fear exist and proclaim the love of the Lord over broken situations.  They’ve taught me through their actions that there are many ways in which we can be the hands and feet of Jesus and that we are fully equipped to do so if we only surrender all that we have to Him.

So, as we prepare for another year and another season of ministry.  I’m excited.  I’m excited for the new friendships that I will be able to form with visiting teams.  I’m excited to see how the Lord will work through this new crop of young missionaries and I’m excited to see the fruit that comes from our time serving together in Zambia!


About the Author: Laban Mwelwa is a dear friend to many who have served on a mission trip to Zambia. He is an associate pastor at Lusaka South and works part-time with Awana Zambia. The article above is his perspective of working with visiting teams.