
In this season of my life, God is teaching me what it means to completely surrender everything to Him. And it’s a process that’s been VERY, VERY difficult!!!

In Matthew 14:29, Jesus calls out to Peter sitting in the boat and asks him to simply come, to walk on the waters towards Jesus. Listen to it in context. “Then Peter got down from the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus. but when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, ‘Lord save me!’ immediately Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. ‘you of little faith, why did you doubt?’”

At first glance this may seem insane. Who in their right mind would tell another human being to leave what seemed to be the safest place in the storm to step out into the water. To WALK ON WATER!?! BUT that’s exactly what Jesus did and it was genuinely one of the most beautiful and meaningful miracles Jesus ever displayed.

Throughout our lives we are faced with many storms. Wether that be problems within our family, issues with our health, loss of family or friends, struggle with mental health, etc., our storms can be big or small. But we have a picture of how we can weather these storms through the example of Peter. With his eyes fixed on Jesus, in the midst of a terrible storm, he surrendered everything and trusted fully in Christ. He didn’t take time to reason with his circumstances, but simply listened and followed.

Peter’s initial focus is what the Lord is calling all of us to.  Jesus desires that we would single-mindedly and wholeheartedly focused on Him. This doesn’t come with doing more good for Jesus, but by laying down more for Him. It doesn’t come with service, but with surrender!

When we are able to live in surrender to the Lord, laying everything at his feet (our desires, our aspirations, our shortcomings, etc.) and when we trust in His plans, His faithfulness and His promises to work everything out for our good, our focus shifts from our problems to Jesus! The problems fade away and the glory of His presence calms the storm.

Yes, we will fail at times. And there might be times when we stray away from Christ, and begin to drown within the gritty chaos of life. But we have a promise that is evident in this Scripture: all we have to do is call upon His name and just as He responded to Peter, he will respond to you and me. With an outstretched arm and with no hesitation, He will take our hand and saves us. Not because we deserve it, but He does so freely because His love is enduring and never ending. He is a God of abundant grace and mercy!

We MUST stop letting ourselves be consumed in our struggles because, they are just momentary afflictions. They are wind and waves. Though they look threatening, they are just opportunities for us to learn to trust Him more. No doubt, they seem difficult and overwhelming at times, but minute in comparison to the loving outstretched arm of the Creator of the Universe.

So, surrender everything to Him. Lay everything at His feet. Yield completely to your creator and allow Him to use you in any and every way. And after you’ve laid it all at His feet, look up. Take His hand and follow Him. Your life will never be the same!

Recently, surrender for me was applying to serve in Zambia with Africa Freedom Mission. I could have looked at the obstacles that stood in my way, been discouraged and went back to the boat. But I’ve chosen to sacrifice my plans and my way and run after Jesus. I don’t know what Zambia has to offer, but I do know that iff I’m in His arms, I’m safer than being in some rickety boat. It’s INSANE how God works in our lives when we choose to surrender to Him completely.

I guess you could say that surrender brings so much goodness!!! It provides opportunities like this! I’m going to Africa people!!! And I get to go with a company like this, Africa Freedom Mission! HE.IS.GOOD.


Morgan Hendrix is 16 years old and is from Loganville, Georgia. This trip with AFM will be the first time she’s ever traveled outside of the US. If you would be interested in partnering with Morgan financially, you can do so at the following link: MORGAN