How Great Is Your Faithfulness, Lord


In the past year, I have learned more about the character of God through the circumstances that didn’t go as planned rather than the ones that went my way. I was reminded of a conversation the Lord and I had last December, so I revisited my journal today: 

“Lord, I am learning that sometimes the phrase “God will fight for you” doesn’t always mean that You will fight for what my finite human mind has determined is the desired outcome for my current circumstances. Sometimes You fight for me by using the undesired circumstances that bring me to the end of myself and expose the weakness I struggle to admit, to win my so often disloyal and easily distracted heart back to Yourself through the grace and forgiveness of Christ. The eternal value of devotion to Christ that remains steadfast through any storm is far better than any earthly situation that goes my way. I choose You, Lord, over my desire to control my circumstances. Though my tendency is one of pride to want to have all the answers and be self-sufficient, help me to choose You, again and again, for in You, true and lasting joy is found - joy that lasts through any circumstance.”

I am so thankful for a Father who fights not for what I think is good, but instead fights for what He knows is good for me. While I stray from Him daily and constantly need reminders that He alone is worthy of my love and devotion, He remains faithful when I am not and works all things together for my good, even when I can’t see the good yet. 

How great is Your faithfulness, Lord, to us.

—Guest Post by Katie Mayberry